Roy Blunt Goes Off On Obama Admin For Failing To Take Responsibility Amid Scandals

'Somebody needs to be in charge at the White House and somebody needs to start taking responsibility'

Sen. Roy Blunt (R., Mo.) issued a blistering condemnation of the Obama administration for their handling of various scandals Wednesday in a statement to the press.

Blunt said there seems to be an endemic aversion at the White House to take responsibility for any of the scandals currently facing the administration. The Missouri senator listed the VA scandal, Serco Obamacare workers apparently being paid to do nothing, and the State Department's obliviousness to the case of Meriam Ibrahim as instances where the Obama administration is simply failing to take responsibility.

Blunt was particularly apoplectic about the State Department being unaware of his letter concerning Ibrahim despite having it for four days. "This is a woman, one of her sentences in Sudan is to be flogged for marrying a non-Muslim. And the second after they flog her is to hang her for refusing to renounce her Christian faith," he said.

"We don't seem to be concerned about that. She and her toddler son are in a prison cell right now waiting for the baby to be born so the mother can be killed. And nobody in our government appears to want to say anything about it."