Perry: Businesses 'Can't Find Enough Trucks to Flee The Golden State'

TX Gov. speaks truth to power on 'red state' versus 'blue state' debate

Texas Governor Rick Perry (R.) got to the heart of the "red state versus blue state" debate Friday in his speech at CPAC.

If you contrast the economic results between any red or blue state, Perry said, the difference is crystal clear.

"Heck, let's pick the two biggest, New York and California. From the east coast, to the west coast. No two states have lost more personal income to other states than New York and California. If you rent a U-Haul to move your company, it costs twice as much to go from San Francisco to Austin than the other way around, because you can't find enough trucks to flee the Golden State," Perry exclaimed, prompting laughter from the crowd.

As for New York, the former GOP presidential candidate remarked the east coasters continue to hinder economic growth with onerous regulations and high taxes.

However, in Texas "we cut taxes, we didn’t spend all the money, we created fair and predictable regulations, and we stopped personal injury trial lawyers from filing frivolous law suits," Perry added.

Published under: CPAC