Rabinowitz: If Iran bombed Paris, the MSM would lead with Romney

September 18, 2012

Dorothy Rabinowitz continued her critique of the mainstream media's coverage of Republican nominee Mitt Romney to the near exclusion of all else, dinging the media for its coverage of comments made by Romney at a private fundraiser.

"Today, with this little story about Mitt Romney having said some questionable things now," Rabinowitz said in a Fox News interview. "If the Iranians bombed Paris, the mainstream media would lead with the Romney story."

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed Tuesday, Rabinowitz criticized the coverage of Romney's comments on the violence in the Middle East:

The spectacle of those hordes of journalists in single-minded pursuit of the Romney story day after day—days that saw the killing of four Americans, embassies burned and trashed, mobs of the faithful running amok—shouldn't have been surprising either. It's the most dramatic indicator yet that in this election the pack journalism of four years ago is alive, and well, and in full cry again.

Especially wonderful to hear were all the charges about Mr. Romney's political opportunism and tone-deafness—this after three days of a Democratic convention distinguished by shameless, nonstop exploitation of the military raid that put an end to Osama bin Laden. It is impossible to imagine any other president in American history orchestrating even two minutes—much less three days—of the self-glorification and wallowing in a victory won by the nation's armed forces that was on display at the convention. If any of this orgy of boasting in the interest of a political campaign caught the attention of those commentators whose sensibilities were so offended by Mr. Romney last week, we haven't heard about it.

The governor's offense, as the world knows, had to do with his blast at the eye-popping apologias that had come from our Cairo embassy while mobs of the faithful were gathering to wreak havoc over a crude YouTube video insulting to Islam—apologies that Mr. Romney linked to the general inclinations of the Obama administration.

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