Obama Exasperated with Question About Working with GOP

November 5, 2014

President Obama was exasperated Wednesday after the GOP's midterm domination forced him to come to terms with working with the Republican Party.

ABC's Jon Karl asked Obama if he thought it was a mistake to "do so little to develop relationships with Republicans in Congress."

Obama breathed a heavy sigh and did not directly answer the question or acknowledge that any mistakes had been made.

"I think that every day I'm asking myself, 'Are there some things I can do better?'" Obama said. "I'm going to keep asking that every single day."

Obama said he had a good relationship with congressional leaders, but did not back down from Josh Earnest's claim that he would "aggressively use his executive authority" to pass immigration reform legislation.

"The fact is that, most of my interactions with members of Congress have been cordial, and they've been constructive," Obama said.

Published under: 2014 Election