John Kasich Announces He is Suspending His Presidential Campaign

May 4, 2016

Ohio Gov. John Kasich formally announced Wednesday that he is suspending his presidential campaign.

After only winning his home state of Ohio and coming in third or further behind in many other states, Kasich was the last of Donald Trump's opponents in the Republican primary after Sen. Ted Cruz dropped out on Tuesday.

Keeping with the positive theme of his campaign, Kasich spoke positively during his speech.

"However, The spirit, the essence of America, lies in the hearts and souls of us. You see, some missed this message. It wasn't sexy. It wasn't a great sound bite," Kasich said.

"To paraphrase an old adage, I sought the greatness of America in her harbors and in her rivers and I did not find it. I sought in her fertile fields and boundless forests and did not find it. I sought her greatness in her halls of Congress and I did not find it. You see, after this campaign, I see it in us, when we come together, when we lift one another, with our eyes on the horizon," Kasich said.

"Throughout my campaign I have said the Lord may have another purpose for me. And it set all the pundits atwitter. Does that mean he's not committed or he's not focused or he's not energetic? It showed that to some degree how little they understand about life," Kasich said. "You see, I have always said that the Lord has a purpose for me as he has for everyone. And as I suspend my campaign today, I have renewed faith, deeper faith that the Lord will show me the way forward and fulfill the purpose of my life."

"Thank you and God bless."