Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough characterized President Obama as "Spock with a pitching wedge" Thursday morning, reacting to Obama's decision to go golfing moments after he delivered remarks on the beheading of American journalist James Foley at the hands of terrorists from Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS.)
Scarborough referred to New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, who has dubbed Obama "Spock" for his "detachment."
Scarborough declared that ISIL terrorists must be shocked by Obama's response to their savagery: "And so they are negotiating with Spock with a pitching wedge here," Scarborough said. "No, they really are. He is Spock."
"I'm sure there may even be one or two terrorists, Willie, over in Syria right now looking at him going, 'Wow, that is one cold bastard,'" Scarborough continued.
Scarborough appeared baffled as to what he should think about the president's demeanor: " People might be watching going, 'Are you criticizing the president or not?' I don't know what I'm doing."
"I could not have gone out and played golf. I just couldn't have done it," Scarborough said.
"He is kind of Spock," Scarborough repeated in amazement.