Hillary Clinton has officially announced she is running, and she is on her way to Iowa to connect with voters.
Iowa voters are having mixed feelings about the former Secretary of State returning to their state.
"It would be a disaster for the country," Mark of Cedar Rapids said in an interview with the Iowa City, Iowa, CBS affiliate. "I think America is ready for a woman president—just not this woman."
Other Iowans echoed those feelings on a local CBS affiliate’s Facebook page.
"Benghazi, deleted emails, and God knows what else. We need her as far away from Washington D.C. as possible," one commenter wrote.
"She is beyond her time. It’s time for her to move in another direction. It’s not up to her," another commenter wrote.
Clinton is driving cross-country to Iowa and will make smaller appearances with a "coffee shop" feel. She is expected to make a formal announcement in the coming month.