Grassley Slams Schumer, Says Supreme Court Has Been 'Poisoned'

March 24, 2017

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) slammed Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.), saying that Schumer would only vote against Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch for political reasons, and that the Supreme Court has been "poisoned."

Grassley said that Schumer has made it hard for nominees to move through the Senate because "he thinks the ideology of the nominees is enough of a reason to vote them down," the Washington Examiner reported on Thursday.

Grassley said that he wished Schumer could have seen the way Gorsuch was acting in his Supreme Court nomination hearing.

"I wish he had a chance to see Gorsuch over the past two days, and anybody observing that is quite seriously voting against him just for political reasons," he said.

He said that it's "pretty clear" Schumer won't vote for Gorsuch for political reasons.

"I think that we've heard Sen. Schumer for several weeks now, I think it's pretty clear he's a no vote in search of a reason to vote that way," he said. "Republicans have never filibustered a Democratic nominee."

That's when he said that Schumer has "poisoned" the Court.

"The well has been poisoned," he said.