Giuliani: 'What I Did for New York, Donald Trump Will Do for America'

July 18, 2016

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani gave an electrifying speech on the first night of the Republican National Convention.

Guiliani, known as America's Mayor, gave a rousing endorsement of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his policies to protect America.

"What I did for New York, Donald Trump will do for America!" Guiliani shouted.

While Guiliani was mayor, the crime rate of New York City dropped by 56 percent, murder was down nearly two-thirds and robberies were down 67 percent. Guiliani put in place a zero-tolerance approach to fighting crime. The policy allowed police officers to stop and frisk suspects as well as make arrests for minor infractions that previously went ignored.

Giuliani became internationally famous for his lauded response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which took place while he led New York. He was also a 2008 Republican candidate for president.

Published under: Rudy Giuliani