Ellison Barber, S.E. Cupp Discuss Democratic Spin of Congressional Loss in Florida

The Washington Free Beacon's Ellison Barber and CNN CrossFire host S.E. Cupp discussed some of the Democratic spin of Alex Sink's loss to Republican David Jolly in Florida's 13 District special election Wednesday night on BlazeTV, particularly the denial about Obamacare's effect on the result.

Barber brought up Sen. Mary Landrieu (D., La.) and her humorous claim that "flood insurance" played more of a role in the election than Obamacare, and Cupp repeated a few of her favorite spin quotes from the day, calling them "nonsense."

The latest WSJ / NBC poll shows Obama's unpopularity at a new high and Obamacare in particular with underwater approval ratings, and Barber said Democrats cannot dodge the issue.

"It's impossible to run away from this, and it goes back to that everything's going to come down right before the midterm elections," Barber said.