Did Rep. Walter Jones Abuse His Franking Privilege?

Republican candidate for Congress Taylor Griffin voiced his concern with opponent Rep. Walter Jones’ (R., N.C.) use of taxpayer money to send a campaign-style mailer to his constituents.

"If you are looking for an example of wasteful government spending, look no further than the mailboxes of the 3rd Congressional District," said Griffin. "Spending taxpayer money on a political mailer is just another example that Walter Jones will stop at nothing to continue his almost 30-year political career."

Congressional franking privilege allows members to mail constituents for matters of public concern or public service and is not to include any material that is partisan or political in fact or tone.

Jones mailer 1

Advertised in the mailer is a visit Jones made to a "well-known boat building company" in Edenton, N.C. Also clearly noted is that the "mailing was prepared, published, and mailed at taxpayer expense."

Jones mailer 2

Published under: 2014 Election