Democratic gubernatorial candidate for New Mexico Gary King appears to have bought 1,000 Twitter followers, according to an analysis of his account.
King now has more fake followers than real ones, according to Twitter Audit. Of his 1,968 followers, 904 are real, and 964 are not.
King was averaging 51 new followers per week since April. However, the week of July 6-12, @GaryKingforGov gained 1,107 more followers.
In comparison, Republican Susana Martinez’s Twitter account has gained just over 1,000 followers in three months, averaging roughly 94 new followers each week.
Another analysis of his account revealed that more than 10 percent of King’s followers speak Russian, and 37 percent had not tweeted in the past 100 days.
Many of King’s new following also follow "Free Porn Videos."
Twitter was previously an issue in King’s campaign after his former campaign manager was fired over a history of offensive comments on the social media platform.