Dead Broke? Slick Willie Smoking $1000 Cigars

A Box of HMR Cigars Go For $25,000 A Piece

Bill Clinton can afford to embellish his legendary cigar habit. As the Capo di tutti capi of influence peddling, Bubba spends $1,000 for a Gurkha cigar, the alleged "Rolls Royce of the cigar industry." Yes, that’s for one cigar.

Gurkha CEO Kaizad Hansotia said to Bloomberg that Clinton "loves the Gurkhas," which proudly boasts to be the most expensive cigars on this mortal plane. A box of Her Majesty's Reserve cigars are going for $25,000 this year and will rise to $30,000 in 2015. You can see where Hillary gets her royal tastes. Lorde must not be popular in the Clinton's multiple households.

"People try to copy us a lot, but we have no competition," says Hansotia. "We tell everybody, please smoke a Cuban cigar. And then smoke our cigars. And once they've smoked a Cuban And then once they smoke a Gurkha, or they smoke a cigar from Dominican Republic, they realize what a difference in quality it is. It's a very unique smell. It's a very unique flavor. Completely different than anything you've ever smoked in your life. So if you ever have the pleasure of smoking one, you will understand the difference in taste of a normal cigar to an HMR."

Clinton can purchase 20 boxes of HMRs speaking for 45 minutes.

Published under: Bill Clinton