Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) called Thursday for the repeal of Obamacare's individual mandate as part of a larger tax reform plan, saying it would save the federal government up to $400 billion.
Cotton spoke in the Senate chamber and addressed concerns from Democrats who say that Republicans' tax reform will grow the national deficit.
"We can repeal the individual mandate of Obamacare and save $300 to 400 billion for the federal government and therefore deliver more tax relief to our families and our workers and our businesses," Cotton said. "That's not my math, that's the math of the Congressional Budget Office."
Cotton also cited the unpopularity of the individual mandate among Americans.
"We are imposing a fine on the working class and working poor because they can't afford the insurance Obamacare made unaffordable in the first place! That is crazy!" Cotton said.
Cotton said that by including the repeal of the individual mandate into tax reform legislation, it would increase its popularity and likelihood of passage.