Continetti: Fundraising Numbers Show American People Rejecting Establishment Politicians

Washington Free Beacon founding editor Matthew Continetti said on Thursday the most recent political fundraising numbers show the American people are continuing to reject establishment politicians.

"The top fundraiser in your graph is a nationalist and the second fundraiser in your graph is a socialist," Continetti said during an appearance on Fox News's Special Report. "What that says to me is the American people are continuing to reject establishment politicians. They are continuing to reject politics as usual."

Continetti added that voters are looking for candidates who are outside the political mainstream.

"They're looking for candidates who are outside the mold and have brands that are distinctive from Washington," Continetti said. "If the Democrats end up nominating a typical politician, in Joe Biden say, that is trouble for them in the general election."

President Donald Trump's reelection campaign led all presidential contenders with $46 million in campaign donations over the final three months of 2019. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) led Democratic candidates with $34.5 million. Former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg (D.) said his campaign raised $24.7 million, followed by Biden with $22.7 million. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) has not released her fundraising numbers as of Thursday night.

Sanders addressed Biden's candidacy in an interview with the Washington Post. He said that Biden's record is "so weak that it just cannot create the kind of excitement and energy that is going to be needed to defeat Donald Trump."

The next Democratic debate will be held on Jan. 14 in Iowa. Five candidates have qualified so far: Biden, Buttigieg, Sanders, Warren, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.).