Charles Krauthammer: Hillary Clinton is Intrinsically Insincere

Krauthammer: 'She is continually crafting what she says'

Analyzing Hillary Clinton’s recent ill-received comments about her wealth, columnist Charles Krauthammer said Tuesday on Special Report that the incident demonstrates Clinton’s "intrinsic insincerity."

"She is continually crafting what she says, crafting what her position is going to be, crafting her conduct to meet a certain perception, and when you do that day in and day out, either on a book tour or campaign trail, or anywhere in public office, you trip up because you can't remember the last confection, the last creation of yourself that you put together," he said.

Krauthammer told his fellow Fox News panelists to "contrast it with Ronald Reagan, who knew who he was." He then asked, "Does anybody really know what she really thinks about a dozen issues?"

"She's always creating herself, even in small ways that are entirely unnecessary," Krauthammer concluded.