Brzezinski Maintains Book Deal After Publisher Severs Ties With Weinstein

October 13, 2017

"Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski has decided to go forward with a three-book deal with Hachette Book Group after the publisher announced it will disband the Weinstein Books imprint.

All existing projects under Weinstein Books will be published by Hachette Book Group, the company said in a statement to the Hollywood Reporter.

"I spoke to the CEO, the very top guy at Hachette Book Group, Michael Pietsch, about the company’s policy and their new structure, how this is all going to work," Brzezinski said, Friday, on MSNBC.

Last week, the MSNBC host said she would not move forward with the deal unless movie producer Harvey Weinstein resigned from the Weinstein company following allegations of widespread sexual harassment and assault.

"I have a three-book deal with Weinstein Books, through Hachette," Brzezinski wrote on Twitter, Oct. 7. "I can’t go forward with those books unless Harvey resigns."

Brzezinski reaffirmed her commitment on Friday to continuing the conversation on women's empowerment with Hachette.

"We’re going to have an ongoing conversation about sexual harassment and wage equality," Brzezinski said. "And I’m really looking forward to writing about all of it in the release of 'Knowing Your Value,' and two other books that I will be doing with Hachette Book Group."