Boehner: ‘Big Win’ in Florida

Dems Will 'Put Lipstick on a Pig' After Loss

House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) called the GOP victory in a Florida special election a "big win" and said Obamacare will become more toxic to voters in coming years.

"We had a big win last night in Florida, and I would attribute the win to the fact that our candidate was focused on the issues that were most important to the people in [Florida’s 13th Congressional District] — and that’s the economy and jobs," Boehner told reporters Wednesday.

"Listen, I’ve stood here after losing some special elections. I’ve tried to put lipstick on a pig, and it’s still a pig." You can bet they’ll try to put lipstick on it today, but you all know what the facts are," Boehner added.

Published under: John Boehner