Bloomberg's Heilemann Burns President Obama

June 30, 2015

Bloomberg’s John Heilemann took a shot at President Obama’s athletic ability on With All Due Respect Tuesday.

During a press conference, Obama reflected on a week where the Supreme Court ruled in his favor on the Affordable Care Act and gay marriage.

"My best week was marrying Michelle," Obama said. "Malia and Sasha being born, excellent weeks. There was a game where I scored 27 points. That was a pretty good week."

Heilemann took the opportunity to make fun of President Obama’s bowling skills.

"I don't want to be mean but I want to just comment on that video we saw when Barack Obama talked about scoring 27 points in a game," Heilemann said. "I’m wondering if he is talking about basketball or that time he went bowling in Pennsylvania."

At a 2008 campaign stop, Obama bowled a 37.

Published under: President Obama