Audience Member Mouths 'Oh, S***' When Bernie Sanders Calls for Removal of Federal Marijuana Ban

October 30, 2015

This could be the greatest moment of the 2016 campaign to date, courtesy of an audience member of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.).

Speaking in Fairfax, Virginia, a man who was looking down and not seeming to pay much attention appeared to bolt awake when Sanders said these words.

"In my view, the time is long overdue for us to remove the federal prohibition on marijuana," Sanders said.

"Oh, shit," the man appears to mouth.

After the departure of upstart candidates Lincoln Chafee and Jim Webb from the Democratic race and the decision of Vice President Joe Biden not to run, Sanders appears to be the only viable challenger to frontrunner Hillary Clinton, and he might be the mysterious "oh shit" man's only hope.

He is certainly to Clinton's left on that issue.

Published under: Bernie Sanders