Rep. Adam Kinzinger: U.S. Should Assist Iraq With Limited Air Power

2013 most deadly year for Iraq since 2008

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R., Ill.) released a statement Monday about the recent outbreak of violence due to al Qaeda terrorist activity in Iraq.

2013 was the most deadly year for Iraq since 2008, according to the Huffington Post. Violence has been on the rise since the United States pulled out its troops in 2011.

"The resurgence of violence in Iraq is a direct result of the Obama administration’s short-sighted policy decisions and hurried withdrawal from the region," said Kinzinger. "As I have repeatedly said, when America withdraws from our leadership role in the world, chaos and violence inevitably fill the void. What’s happening now dishonors all those who put their lives on the line to bring stability to this country, and I hope the Administration learns from this lesson as we make strategic military decisions elsewhere in the region."

Kinzinger told the Hill that he believes the United States should be willing to assist in ways without reintroducing troops, including the use of its air power.

"While we cannot reintroduce ground soldiers in Iraq after leaving, I do support robust intelligence operations and, in some cases, limited air power in assisting the Iraqi government," he said.

Kinzinger is a veteran of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Published under: Adam Kinzinger , Iraq