The American Enterprise Institute’s Danielle Pletka didn’t pull any punches when criticizing Obama’s foreign policy on CNN Monday, saying the President has a deficit of credibility and does not possess the leadership to be respected on the world stage.
"At the end of the day what we’re going to need is credible American leadership, and unfortunately for the President it’s that word "credible" where he has a real deficit," Pletka said of Obama’s policy towards the crisis in Ukraine.
Pletka pointed to Obama’s failure to enforce his own "red line" towards chemical weapons in Syria, and that Syria has only destroyed 11% thus far when the deadline for complete removal was March 1st.
"What accountability have we heard demanded by the President?" Pletka asked. "Whether it's Ukraine, China, Syria, wherever we see him, he just doesn't have what it takes to be taken seriously by foreign leaders."