Peters: Obama Can 'Never Admit He's Wrong About Anything'

November 30, 2016

Retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters chastised President Obama on Wednesday for his handling of Islamic terrorism while discussing the recent terrorist attack at Ohio State University during a Fox News appearance.

Host Martha MacCallum referenced President-elect Donald Trump's tweet in response to the attack and compared it to the responses President Obama has given to past terrorist acts.

"President Obama can never admit he's wrong about anything ever, and he's obviously wrong about ISIS and Islamist terrorism in general," Peters said. "One thing I have high hopes for with the incoming administration is we will put a lot of this political correctness behind us."

Peters then said certain communities of immigrants should have more surveillance because of their inability and unwillingness to integrate into American society.

"They concentrate, they refuse to integrate, and this political correctness has resulted in of all states, Minnesota becoming the per capita greatest exporter of recruits for ISIS in the United States," Peters said in reference to the large Somali immigrant population in Minnesota.

Citing the practice of some Somalis practicing female genital mutilation, Peters told MacCallum that he does not view this as a religious or racial issue but instead as a cultural one.

"One point I want to stress, because I don't want it to get lost in all this" Not all Muslims are terrorists," Peters said. "So we have to focus on the troublesome groups. We don't want to pay the same amount of attention to Iranian Americans who serve in our military."

Peters then expressed hope that the new Trump administration would get America's immigration system in order to prevent further lone wolf terrorists attacks from occurring.