No Mention of Benghazi Revelations on CBS Evening News

CBS Evening News curiously did not cover the new Benghazi revelations Wednesday on their newscast. Among the stories that were deemed more relevant included the weather, Oklahoma executions, and the arrest of a former Irish Republican Army operative. CBS was the only major network to ignore the story on their evening program.

Emails uncovered by Judicial Watch reveal White House aid Ben Rhodes prepped Susan Rice prior to her Sunday show appearances to erroneously attribute the September 11, 2012 attack to an anti-Islam video.

However, it turns out Ben Rhodes is actually the brother David Rhodes, President of CBS News.

The lack of coverage this evening further evidences CBS's clear conflict of interest in covering the Benghazi story. Free Beacon contributor Larry O'Connor writes:

Let’s be clear: this is not an appearance of conflict, it is an actual conflict. Whether that conflict actually affects the way the story is being covered at CBS News is an open question.

It may very well be that David Rhodes has let it be known that his brother is fair game and if a CBS reporter can catch the White House adviser holding a smoking gun they’ll be rewarded not punished. But why should it be a mystery? Why aren’t Rhodes and CBS out in front of this issue? Why aren’t they leading the charge on the Benghazi story to erase any suspicion of a conflict where one clearly exists?

It’s past time for David to address this question head-on and erase any concern in his newsrooms and any question in the minds of CBS News’ dwindling audience. And it’s also time for other journalists in Washington to point out the obvious conflict.

Published under: Benghazi , CBS