Mitchell to Kaine: Why Hasn't Obama Produced a Plan for Iraq?

Mitchell: 'Where's our intelligence? We were there for ten years.'

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell interrupted Democratic Senator Tim Kaine's statement that "nobody in the administration contemplated that the Iraqi armed forces would just melt away and capitulate as fast as they have" to ask, "Shouldn't they have?"

"Where's our intelligence?" Mitchell demanded. "We were there for ten years. We ought to know something about Iraq. This isn't North Korea."

"We've known a lot about ISIS and ISIL," Kaine replied, "but they didn't imagine that the Iraqi security force would capitulate."

Kaine called for a concrete plan of action from the Obama administration, leading Mitchell to comment, "Senator, when you say the president hasn't produced a plan, you sound almost as critical of the national security strategy as some of your Republican colleagues."

"The classified briefing this morning was more of a state of play than a presentation of options, but I would strongly recommend that the administration come to Congress very, very soon and put some options on the table about what we should be able to do and what we should be able to do in tandem with neighbors and allies," Kaine said.