Secretary of State John Kerry said the nuclear deal reached with Iran last week "ended their ability to get a weapon" before being challenged on that remark by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace.
Wallace asked Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz why President Obama had failed to abide by his promise to not make a deal that didn't end with Iran ending its nuclear ambitions given it can continue running centrifuges, doing research and enriching uranium.
"What we have done is we have dramatically limited and constrained the program really through 15 years," Moniz said.
"We have ended their ability to get a weapon," Kerry said.
"For a limited time, sir," Wallace replied.
"No!" Kerry said. "Not for a limited time. For the duration of the NPT."
Simply not true.
— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) July 19, 2015
Kerry's immediate clarification of language was telling. Obama himself acknowledged that after the agreement subsides, Iran could go for a nuclear weapon and the U.S. would then have to respond.