Jerry Brown claims Facebook invented in California

California Gov. Jerry Brown claimed Facebook was developed in California, as an example of why the state's industry is still booming, during a Friday interview with Charlie Rose on CBS.

GOV. JERRY BROWN: One way or the other, we're going to get it. They say no, we'll have more cuts. They say yes, we'll have fewer cuts. But either way, California is growing. This is not Europe. We're not the European society with sclerotic regimes and the economy and their social structure. We're very entrepreneurial, very innovative and people are still coming here. this is where they put in-- invented Facebook. Not in Texas. Not in Arizona. Not in Manhattan. And certainly not under the -- you know, the White House, Congress. This is still the wild west and we'll prove to the rest of the country and the world that we know how to do it.

CHARLIE ROSE: Facebook was invented in Cambridge, Mass.

BROWN: Well, whatever is invented, this is where they are. You guys say -- they probably might do a little bit in their laboratory, but they learn fast to get on a plane and get out to California.

Published under: Jerry Brown