Inside the Ring: B-52s Buzz Over Europe, and Swedes Hunt for Russian Sub

Swedish corvette HMS Stockholm patrols Jungfrufjarden in the Stockholm archipelago / AP
October 23, 2014

Large-scale NATO war games underway in Europe this week include the deployment of B-52 nuclear-capable bombers, as non-NATO member Sweden hunts for a Russian mini-submarine in its territorial waters.

U.S. Strategic Command said an unspecified number of bombers would conduct two long-range flights simulating conventional attacks as part of the NATO war games involving more than 20 warships and several submarines and aircraft in the Mediterannean. The games are called Noble Justification.

Navy Adm. Cecil D. Haney, commander of U.S. Strategic Command, said in a statement that the B-52 flights demonstrate a "flexible and always-ready force to respond to a variety of threats and situations."

Read the full article at the Washington Times.

Published under: Russia