The Washington Post's David Ignatius condemned the Obama administration's foreign policy decisions, echoing Dan Henninger's Wall Street Journal editorial, "While Obama Fiddles."
Ignatius, appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe, said that, although "those are harsh words from Dan Henninger ", "I think there's a lot of truth to them."
"I found myself this week re-rereading the last foreign policy debate of the 2012 campaign, in which President Obama assured the country that core al Qaeda, this menace, really had been, in his words, 'decimated'," Ignatius recalled.
"Now, 18 months later, we have a serious problem. These countries are just ripping apart. And I think the administration is going to have to step up and have a coherent counterterrorism policy, or it's only going to get worse."
In his editorial, Henninger notes that, while Iraq is in chaos, Obama will spend this Friday addressing the Sioux Indians in North Dakota about "jobs and education."
Commenting on this, Ignatius said, "The idea you can go off and give speeches about Native American rights while this is happening and pretend that it's not dangerous--not going to work."