Former Buffalo Councilman charged with fraud

The U.S. Attorney's office has filed charges against a former Buffalo Common councilmember for abusing sick leave and benefits. Robert Quintana, also a Buffalo police officer, misrepresented injuries sustained while on the job and used them to receive benefits, according to federal investigators, reports WGRZ:

The U.S. Attorney's office says Quintana is accused of abusing sick leave and receiving benefits to which he was not entitled.

Investigators say Quintana, who was a Buffalo Police officer, had been receiving full pay and benefits while being listed as "injured on duty" (IOD) for an extended period of time. [...]

Hochul claims Quintana collected close to a half-million dollars in pay and benefits he wasn't entitled to during his seven years of being on IOD, but that the loss to taxpayers was even higher, when you factor the income taxes he was not required to pay on the amount, and the overtime the police department may have paid others to do the work Quintanawould have had he been on the job.

Published under: Crime Blotter