Ford Joins Dem Backlash Against Obama Ad

Former Rep. Harold Ford (D., Tenn.) defended the defense of Bain Capital made by Newark mayor Cory Booker on "Meet the Press" Sunday, in a panel segment on "Morning Joe."

FORD: I would not have backed off the comments if I were Mayor Booker. I understand him wanting to make the point, that legitimate questions can be raised about whether at Bain they made bad decisions about certain things. But overall I agree with the substance of his comments on ‘Meet the Press,’ I agree with the core of it. I would not have backed them out. Having said that, I understand as a surrogate for the campaign, you have to have one of your key and most eloquent and most effective surrogates at least clarify or at least bring context to his statements. But I agree with him. Private equity’s not a bad thing. As a matter of fact, private equity is a good thing in many, many instances.

Published under: Cory Booker