Documentary: El Paso, Texas, a Hub for Sophisticated Narcoterrorism Ring

City serves as gateway for Muslim extremists and Mexican drug cartels

A U.S. Border Patrol agent is seen from Mexico through the fence along the US-Mexico border / AP
July 29, 2015

Mexican drug cartels are smuggling terrorists across the border and using the city of El Paso, Texas, as a gateway to plan an attack on the United States from within, according to new documentary produced by TheBlaze TV.

The Sun City Cell looks at how terrorists can infiltrate the United States’ southern border and enter the United States while law enforcement and politicians look the other way.

Undercover sources in the documentary say Muslim extremists and high-ranking al Qaeda operatives are using El Paso to connect to major cities in the United States to attack United States from within.

The documentary will premiere tonight at 8 P.M. ET.

Published under: Al Qaeda , Terrorism