Dem to Judge: Go Easy on Jackson Jr., the 'Highlight of Our Karaoke Nights'

Rep. Marcia Fudge (D., Ohio) has asked a federal judge to show leniency in the sentencing of former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D., Ill.), describing him as the "highlight of our karaoke nights" in a letter, the Huffington Post reports:

"Not only is he highly intelligent, he is charming and entertaining," Fudge wrote. "When things got tough or extremely difficult on the House floor, we could count on Jesse to bring levity to an otherwise daunting situation with a bad joke or a one-man skit. Jesse was the highlight of our karaoke nights and always made everyone feel like an integral part of, and not apart from, various activities. He made us realize that we could still have fun, while addressing important national issues."

Fudge has "no further comment on the letter," spokeswoman Ayofemi Kirby told The Huffington Post.

Jackson pleaded guilty in February to federal charges related to the misuse of $750,000 in campaign money on personal expenses. Jackson allegedly spent thousands of dollars on watches, children's furniture, and memorabilia.

He will be sentenced in July.

Published under: Jesse Jackson , Jr.