Cheney Shuts down Chuck Todd after He Asks If We'd Prosecute IS Terrorists for Waterboarding

December 14, 2014

While being interviewed by Chuck Todd Sunday, former Vice President Dick Cheney fervently defended the CIA’s enhanced interrogation program, particularly waterboarding.

"So if an American citizen is waterboarded by ISIS, are we going to try and prosecute them for war crimes?" Todd asked.

Cheney responded bluntly, "he is not going to be waterboarded, he is going to have his head cut off. It's not a close call."

Todd put forward another scenario in which the Iranian regime captured an American and planned on waterboarding him, to which Cheney responded swiftly.

"Chuck, you are trying to come up with hypotheticals, but waterboarding, they way we did it was in fact not torture, Cheney said. "When you dealing with terrorists the likes of Al Qaeda or the likes of ISIS, I haven’t seen them waterboard anybody. What they do is cut their heads off and what they did to three thousand Americans on 9/11, that was brutal bloody murder. It absolutely can't be compared with what we did in the enhanced interrogation program."

Published under: Dick Cheney