Report Reveals Democracy Alliance Weed-Smoking Sessions

A group of attendees at conferences held by a secretive left-wing dark money group frequently hold "informal late-night weed smoking sessions," according to a new report on the group.

Politico reporter Ken Vogel briefly noted the "sessions" in his new book Big Money, which examines the role of high-dollar donors and activist groups in the American political system.

Vogel reports that Democracy Alliance gatherings feature "after-dinner dancing like the oft-discussed night when George Soros boogied away with a much younger woman he was dating at the time." 

There’s also a crowd of donors known for doing tequila shots at the conferences, not to mention the group that partakes in informal late-night weed-smoking sessions. Views are mixed on the DA, as the group is known. Several prominent Democrats I spoke to regard the members as self-important, high-maintenance limousine liberals who expect politicians to kiss their rings in exchange for support. Before the Mandarin [Oriental, a luxurious Washington, D.C., hotel] meeting, a previous attendee described the group to me as "a liberal country club" composed of "dilettantes" who "care more about having dinner with a senator than about building something that’s lasting and that can help the lives of regular people.

While bong-ripping is not an activity frequently associated with the country club set, numerous Democracy Alliance donors have been generous benefactors of marijuana legalization efforts.

The late DA founder Peter Lewis, who chaired the board of Progressive Insurance, gave $64,000 to New Approach Oregon, a pro-legalization group in that state. Henry van Ameringen, who was listed on a document obtained by the Free Beacon as one of DA’s newest partners, gave the same group $100,000.