Nancy Pelosi Sells out Occupy

Raises $400k at home of lobbyist for company that booted protesters from Zuccotti Park

February 15, 2012

Politico Influence reports that House minority leader Nancy Pelosi and minority whip Steny Hoyer raised $400,000 last night at a fundraiser held at the home of Democratic lobbyists Heather and Tony Podesta. Heather Podesta runs the firm Heather Podesta and Partners.

Heather Podesta's clients include liberal bogeymen such as the for-profit education industry and Brookfield Asset Management, the real-estate company that owns Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan and which ultimately gave the NYPD the green light to evict the Occupy Wall Street movement from its grounds in November 2011. Pelosi is a vocal supporter of the occupiers, having once said, "God bless them."

Tony Podesta runs the Podesta Group, which he co-founded with his brother John, the founder of the left-wing Center for American Progress. Tony Podesta's clients include bailout recipients such as Bank of America; General Electric, which paid no corporate income tax in 2010; BP and Duke Energy; and defense contractors and for-profit colleges.

Read the column here.

Published under: Nancy Pelosi