Following his State of the Union address, President Obama hosted a Google Hangout in an effort to reach out to Americans and answer any questions.
Mother Rebecca Stewart was present on the hangout. She explained to President Obama that she had spent days on the phone struggling with Obamacare and asked what he was doing to remedy the situation.
President Obama promised her: "What I’ll do first, right away, is make sure that somebody out of here, this White House, calls you directly. I promise you not only will they be competent but it will be the right answer."
Fast forward two weeks and Stewart, whose ten year old son might not be able to see a specialist because of Obamacare, says that not only has she not received any answers regarding her troubles navigating Obamacare, but also says that she has been the one to notify the Kentucky State Health Exchange of serious errors on their website.
Stewart told Elisabeth Hasselbeck on Fox and Friends that while she has heard back, she does not feel like she has been adequately helped directly from the White House. She says she has only received answers because of her own efforts, which began with contacting the Children’s Hospital and informing them of inconsistencies.
Stewart said that she is concerned about Americans across the country experiencing difficulties with Obamacare.
Last week, Stewart accessed the Kentucky Benefits Exchange and discovered strangers’ personal information on her log-in. The information included addresses, phone numbers, how much they’re paying for insurance, and more. Over the weekend, she found that the Kentucky Benefits Exchange Provider Search that connects insurers with providers was not functioning correctly.
She alerted the Kentucky State Health Exchange. Stewart said she spent 45 minutes speaking with "low-level customer service" only to be told that that was the way the website was supposed to work, even though she knew it wasn’t. She was finally able to tell them that their website was malfunctioning. They have since fixed the website, but it is not completely working yet.
Stewart expressed her frustration with President Obama and the troublesome Obamacare health exchange, "There are a lot of issues out there. It comes down to my wish that the President would just keep his promise. It was very clear that we were supposed to be able to keep our plans, keep our doctors. And this problem that I have and lots of others have is because that wasn't followed through on. How embarrassing to promise the whole country something and then not do it."