The IRS is being investigated for hiding emails linked to one of its largest scandals in its history.
A watchdog group is looking into criminal activity surrounding missing emails that federal investigators have been searching for but the IRS claims it lost.
At the center of the controversy is Louis Lerner, the former head of the IRS accused of targeting conservative groups and refusing to give tax exempt status to a number of Tea Party affiliated organizations.
"The news that there is potential criminal activity is very important," Chris Frates said.
Thursday night, news broke that officials found more computer backups with more supposedly missing IRS emails on them.
Lerner has been under scrutiny and investigation since the 2013 scandal first broke. Her excuse related lost emails only raised more suspicion. To make matters worse for Lerner, in one of the more than 32,000 emails found from her "missing hard drives," not even Lerner thinks her story is believable.
"No one will ever believe that both your hard drive and mine crashed within a week of each other," Lerner sent to a colleague in 2011.