House Republicans Question IRS on use of $500 million for Obamacare

Republicans in the House of Representatives are raising questions over how the IRS spent $500 million in government dollars intended for the implementation of the Obama administration’s highly contested healthcare law.

The Hill reports on Republican efforts to shine light on the expense:

The Health and Human Services Department (HHS) has transferred roughly $200 million to the IRS to implement the reform law and is planning to transfer about $300 million by the end of this year, The Hill first reported this week.

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) and Oversight subcommittee Chairman Charles Boustany (R-La.) sought more information Wednesday about how the tax agency is using the funding.

"The American people deserve to know how and why this one-half billion in taxpayer dollars are being spent, and how many additional IRS agents, auditors and other workers are being hired to enforce all the hundreds of billions of dollars in new taxes and penalties in the Democrats’ health care law," Camp and Boustany said.


Published under: IRS