Florida Dem Sentenced
to Prison

REPORTER: Even though Kevin White was sentenced today to three years in a federal prison, he was allowed to walk out of that courthouse, for now. Inside, he told a judge he takes full responsibility for his actions. But, on his way out of the courthouse, Kevin White forcefully shoved reporters out of the way, and refused to answer any questions.

REPORTER: On the inside, his son, his daughter, his wife, and his mother asked the judge for mercy and leniency in this case. But during the sentencing, the judge told Kevin White he is a criminal who has violated the public trust.

VOICE OVER: Kevin White first earned elected office in 2003, winning a seat on the Tampa Bay City Council. White is a former police officer, the son of Gerald White, and the grandson of Tampa icon Moses White. But Kevin White’s career has often been shadowed by controversy. The Florida Elections Commission fined him $6,000, after it was discovered he used campaign contributions to purchase expensive Italian suits.

VOICE OVER: White eventually moved from the city council to the Hillsborough County Commission, where he ran into more controversy. A former aide accused White of sexual harassment. The aide says White made advances towards her, and when she declined, she was fired. White was ordered to pay $75,000 plus legal expenses.

VOICE OVER: More trouble came for White when federal authorities went after him for accepting bribes. As a county commissioner, White also sat on the public transportation commission. Video from an undercover sting shows White accepting bribes to put a tow-truck company on a lucrative list used by law-enforcement officers to call tow-trucks to crash scenes.

REPORTER: During his portion of the proceedings today, White’s voice cracked many times; he sounded near tears, as he apologized to the judge for his actions. However, he then went on to blame his biological father for much of what has happened. His biological father has now passed away; he was not named as a co-conspirator in this case because of his death, although he likely would have been. U.S. attorney Bobby O’Neal says Kevin White clearly violated the public trust:

BOBBY O’NEAL: It’s imperative that public officials do not accept bribes or operate on their own self-dealing, and you know, that’s what this case is about. Unfortunately, he did that, it was captured on tape, the evidence was unmistakable, and I thought the government put forth a very strong case.

REPORTER: Grady Irving, White’s attorney, asked for special considerations as White is sentenced as to where he will have to serve, because he is a former county commissioner and a former law enforcement officer, but Kevin White is free for now.

Published under: Crime Blotter , Video