College President to Students: 'College Is Not About Being Safe'

December 1, 2015

Oklahoma Wesleyan University president Dr. Everett Piper appeared on Fox News Tuesday to discuss his open letter to the students of the college to let them know that the university was not a day care.

The letter was partially a response to one student complaining that a chapel session about love made him feel "victimized."

"I'm more interested in you learning virtue than playing the victim card," he said on Fox & Friends. "I'm more interested in you feeling uncomfortable during a chapel and you feeling some discomfort as a result of going to our college and our university. College is not about being safe. College is about learning what's good."

Piper's letter drew attention after the recent protests on college campuses across the country where students have demanded "safe spaces" and for heads of different colleges to resign.

"Oklahoma Wesleyan is not a safe place but rather a place to learn, to learn that life isn't about you, but about others. This is a place where you will quickly learn that you need to grow up. This is not daycare. This is a university," Piper wrote.

Piper frequently contributes his op-eds to the local newspaper and said that his letter was meant to address the university system but that it was not just about addressing a single student. He called what is happening on college campuses "ideological fascism."

"Do we want ideological fascism?" he asked. "Where you're required to conform, you must agree with us, you must believe like we believe, you must believe the ideas that we hold dear. And if you deviate, if you have a contrary idea, we will squash you. We will crush you. We will expel you. That's ideological fascism and that's not academic freedom. It's not intellectual liberty. The liberal arts university was established some 1,000 years ago to educate a free man and a free woman and a liberated people. And that liberty is found in the pursuit of truth, not the protection of opinions."

Piper was firm that his university is not a safe space and that it is a place where students were there to learn.