Boehner: Shinseki's Resignation 'Really Changes Nothing'

'Our veterans deserve better, we’ll hold the president accountable until he makes things right'

Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) said Friday that the resignation of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki "really changes nothing" to fix systemic problems at the department, calling on President Barack Obama to take further action to address system-wide failures.

Boehner’s full remarks are available below:

JOHN BOEHNER: General Shinseki has dedicated his life to our country and we thank him for his service. His resignation, though, does not absolve the president of his responsibility to step in and make things right for our veterans. Business as usual cannot continue.

As a first step, the Senate should immediately take up the House-passed VA Management Accountability Act.

And until the president outlines a vision and an effective plan for addressing the broad dysfunction at the VA, today’s announcement really changes nothing.

One personnel change cannot be used as an excuse to paper over a systemic problem. Our veterans deserve better, we’ll hold the president accountable until he makes things right.