Vogue Listed State Deputy Asst. Sec. as 'Interior Designer'

September 24, 2012

Anna Wintour has shown a deep love for the Democratic process this year: The Vogue editor has raised more money than almost anyone for President Obama's reelection campaign. As of May, her $2.68 million raised in this cycle places her fourth among all bundlers, according to documents obtained by the New York Times.

But her magazine may need a refresher course.

The October issue of Vogue lists a correction for its September profile of Chelsea Clinton: The magazine incorrectly referred to one of Clinton's friends, Dan Baer, an interior designer -- he is actually a deputy assistant secretary for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, at the State Department.

The magazine appears to have corrected the mistake in the online text of the piece:

The private reception in the library’s restaurant, Forty Two, spills out onto a big deck that overlooks the sun setting on the Arkansas River. There are margaritas and Mexican food, and the whole affair takes on the air of a big family barbecue, with children running around, folks getting tipsy, and everyone going back for seconds. Chelsea is holding court with her friends, among them interior designer Ryan Lawson and Dan Baer, a deputy assistant secretary for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor at the U.S. Department of State. Hillary is regaling them with stories.

The correction was pointed out on Twitter by Rebecca Katz Monday morning.

Published under: Media