Melissa Harris-Perry, Husband Owe $70K in Back Taxes

April 16, 2015

Just a day after Tax Day, the Internal Revenue Service has placed a lien on MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry and her husband, James Perry, reports the Washington Times.

The couple owes $70,000 in back taxes from the year 2013. Harris-Perry said that she was aware of the debt that she and her husband owed but was unfamiliar with the lien placed against them. So far the couple had paid $21,721 of their debt when they filed on Wednesday. The deadline for people to file their taxes for 2014 was Wednesday.

She also said that she and her husband are working to pay off the rest of their debt as quickly as possible. The couple set up a payment plan with the IRS but claim to have gone through a series of "personal crises" that kept them from keeping up with their scheduled payments. Harris-Perry also said that an IRS agent had not contacted them prior to the lien being placed against them.

The couple still owes $48,581 from the tax season that ended on December 31, 2013.