What happened: A group of adorable Muslim children stomped all over the LGBTQQIP2SAA+ Pride Flag on Friday at an "education over indoctrination" protest in Ottawa, Canada.
• "Leave our kids alone!" shouted a woman wearing a traditional headscarf who appeared to be the mother of one of the children.
Young Muslim kids in Canada seen STOMPING on the Pride Flag as their families cheer.
Can someone show this to Justin Trudeau?pic.twitter.com/UsPxERwFzn
— Ben Kew (@ben_kew) June 9, 2023
Why it matters: Posting a video of Muslim children stomping all over the American flag would be considered "Islamophobic," but Muslim kids stomping on a Pride Flag is more challenging because it involves two "oppressed" minorities.
• Woke liberals are temperamentally ill-equipped to process this kind of situation. To feel morally superior, they convince themselves that white Christians are the only ones who disagree with their radical ideology.
• Remember when the New York Times in 2012 nonsensically described George Zimmerman, the Hispanic man who killed black teenager Trayvon Martin, as a "white Hispanic"?
Bottom line: You're a bigot.