Conan Roasts Obamacare Website, Clinton ‘Keep Your Plan’ Comments

November 13, 2013

Conan O'Brien made digs at Obamacare on his TBS comedy show Tuesday night. Reporting that scam artists are using the website's glitches to their advantage and scamming Americans, O'Brien declared that consumers will be able to tell if the website is a scam "if it quickly and efficiently signs you up for healthcare."

Bill Clinton's comments Tuesday urging President Obama to honor his promise to allow Americans to keep their current health insurance plans also came under fire. O'Brien joked that Clinton would want Americans to keep their plans "unless a younger, hotter insurance policy comes along."

Lastly, Olympian decathlon gold medalist turned reality star Bruce Jenner was also subject to O'Brien's teasing. "The U.S. intelligence community is hoping to update their facial recognition technology, it's the government's way of trying to keep up with Bruce Jenner," making an obvious jab at Jenner's face lift procedure, famously documented on Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Published under: Conan O'Brien