Sports Illustrated swim smoke Hannah Ferguson’s future is as wide open as her mouth in this latest image promoting her upcoming ad for Carl’s Jr. You know the ads I'm talking about.

This isn't an unusual sight. SI swim smokes have shoved Carl’s Jr. burgers down their gullets with aplomb and grace before. However, Hannah's ad is especially notable.
According to a Washington Free Beacon analysis, there's a surefire formula used by SI to book their next cover smoke.
Swim smokes are crowned rookie of the year. The next year they book a coveted Carl's Jr. ad during the Super Bowl. The following February they attain worldwide fame and immortality as a SI cover smoke.
Allow me to introduce you to the 2011 SI rookie of the year.
Kate was able to pivot her freshman success by avoiding the freshman 15.

And now Kate Upton is the best super smoke working today.
Then there was 2012's Rookie of the Year Nina Agdal.
Here she is during the 2013 Super Bowl.
Chrissy and Lily are lovely in their own right, but Nina is real rising star here.

Editor's Blog favorite Emily Ratajkowski scored a Carl's Jr ad well before we knew her as this generation's Courteney Cox.

2014's runner up and second runner up have both made burger ads. There's plenty of time for Sara Sampaio to get one under her belt.
You're welcome, Sports Illustrated. I've booked your 2015/2016 cover for you.
Carl's Jr. has spoken.

Although I can't see them too torn up if you go another way.