America's greatest couple is now former Miss Universe Olivia Culpo and sports icon Tim Tebow, who have not yet confirmed their relationship but have been spotted together multiple times.
Culpo, best known as one of the "classiest and most beautiful" girls in Donald Trump's modeling agency, and Tebow, one of the greatest college football players of all time, are perfect for each other.
First of all, they are both champions in their fields. Culpo easily crushed all the other girls in Miss Universe 2012, taking the crown.

Just a few years earlier, Tebow crushed the college game and won the Heisman trophy as a sophomore.

Tebow was so good, they erected a statue of him outside Florida's football stadium.

Culpo has not yet been recreated as a statue, but she should be.

Seriously, how is there no statue of Olivia?

Like Tebow, she is also an athlete.

She runs too.

Tebow loves dogs.

So does Culpo.

Culpo's exchange of Nick Jonas for Tebow will go down as the best rebound of all time, and America is a better place because of it.
Seriously though, somebody needs to build that statue.