Thanks to Obamacare, insurance premiums will balloon for healthy Americans under 40 on the individual market. And some of those people are super models. Please correct me if Kate Upton gets her dental coverage through Sports Illustrated.
Fortunately, swimsuit model Quiana Grant won't have to endure logging on to Her fiancé Dr. James Pinckney, who proposed to Grant yesterday, has come up with a new way to provide healthcare to the masses.

Pinckney has educated the public of the looming financials dangers of Obamacare.

Pinckney provides "concierge service" medicine. That means you pay a membership fee that eliminates co-pays and premiums for personalized, preventative care.

Pinckney says such care can reduce overall health care costs for a business or individual by 50 to 60-percent.

Take that insurance premiums!

Happy wishes to the happy couple!

Happier wishes for market-based health care reform!