The nifty thing about free enterprise is when businesses attempt to innovate to grow, they receive real time reaction whether the consumer wants the change. Good innovations yield Diet Coke. Bad innovations leave us with New Coke.
Having a greater choice of undergarments is just another win for free enterprise.
That was me last October lauding Victoria’s Secret dabbling in fitness wear by adapting push-up bras for the gym. Like all promising ideas, it sounded good in your head.

So far, though, sales haven’t met the company’s initial ambitions. Victoria’s Secret ordered too many sports bras in the summer and fall of 2013 than it could sell, leaving it with excess inventory, Chief Financial Officer Stuart Burgdoerfer said this week at an event in New York. Even so, the retailer expects to sell the bras without marking them down, he said.
That’s VS’s CFO explaining how ladies don't find these bras so sexy. Victoria's Secret has more inventory of sports push-up bras than what they know what to do with.

You can buy your very own "Angel" or "Incredible" sports bra for between $29 and $54.

Prices aside, VS concentrated on a product to that was intentionally made to "medium" and "minimally" support women as they work out. It'd be like Nike releasing sleeveless tees built to make bros' biceps pop by cutting off their blood flow at the shoulders.

The free market has spoken, Victoria's Secret. Contrary to popular belief, most women don't work out in full make-up with a wind machine to blow their hair back ever so slightly to draw your eyes down their sports bra.
The pair bought at Old Navy for $15 gets the job done just fine.